More amigurumis!
I’ve been working really hard on amigurumis this week. I have started on three but not been able to finish any of them. Mostly because I’m making a Totoro, which is quite big and therefore takes a lot of time. But now I’m done with the body and can probably finish it next week. Once again I’m not publishing any pictures (of the other two) until I have given them away.
Panda neko amigurumi!
I finished another amigurumi. This one took a lot of effort since I had no pattern for it so I had to improvise quite a lot. The hair was especially hard since from the start I had no idea of how to make it and once I figured out how it took a lot of time, precipitation and yarn. Anyway, I finally fished and it became really cute. Sadly After attaching the hair the hood suddenly turned to small...
Amigurumi making
Puh, I'm getting kinda tired of crocheting now. The biggest problem right now is that this amigurumi I'm actually giving away and so I want it to be really really good!!! There were some thing that were really tricky but since the person whom I'm giving it to might read my CAS-blog I'm not posting any pictures or further information about it until it's been given away. I've been crocheting for about 2-3 hours this week.
Cosplay sewing.
Åsa and I have started on my cosplay costume! DUN DUN! I'm really excited and longing for the time when I'm finished with it (and hopefully pleased with it as well). I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding Åsa's sewing machine thought... I feel it is kinda weird and oldish. But it works and I have faith in old stuff! As long as it doesn't make weird sounds! I think we were working on the costume for like 3-4 hours or so.
All that is left is the eyes.
Yay! The body of Luma is finally finished it turned ot really really super cute o(^-^o). I tried putting on buttons to see how the finished result would look like. But I'm really is going to use for the eyes is some kind of fabric.
Comic drawing...
Well I did work on my comic for half an hour, but you... Don't get very far on that short time. I finished one frame and sketched two.
Amigurumi Luma
I haven't been able to get a hold of some stuffing this week so I haven't been able to finish my amigurumi, but I've bought some more yarn so I have been crocheting for about one hour this week. I'm working on a Luma (a character from Super Mario Galaxy) amigurumi in bluish yarn.
This is how it should look in the end ^^
How to make amigurumis
I actually tried a bit to make an amigurumi (crocheted stuffed animal) before going to the workshop that was held at Hamnmagasinet. But It was really hard understanding what to do from just reading the instructions and watching YouTube videos when I'd never done it before. So the workshop was a really great ting, everything got cleared out. The workshop was about 1 and ½ hour, but I finished the very ”simple” amigurumi at home. I've also started out on a new one, the thing is that this one is bigger, more advanced and stuff... So before I can continue, I need more yarn and stuffing ^^ In total I think I've spent about 4 hours on amigurumi crocheting this week ^^'
Here are some examples of amigurumis:
My work!
Creative cupcakes :D
For Halloween I made cupcakes with different kinds of fun frosting and decorations, I don't count the time baking only the time decorating and that was about... 1 ½ -2 hours.
Cupcake madness!
Childproof comic
Starting out on my comic! I haven't done a lot so far, just about 15 minutes. But you can still start to see how the comic is coming alive on the paper ^^
Comic sketch
I've been working on this new comic of mine! It's about a girl who is having a hard time opening a childproof bottle (she herself is not a child) and then... well I'll keep the punch line as a secret for later ^^ It took about half an hour.
Comic strip completed!
1 and a half hours of drawing and finally finished with my Link-comic. It almost filled up a whole A3! I can really feel that I have improved my drawing skill these past few weeks. Drawing goes much faster, and I even sketches better. Now I'll start working on a portrait of Moa instead! Here are some pics from when I was still working on it as well as the finished result!
Click here to see a bigger scale of the finished comic.