Taking a walk.

I've been really busy lately since I have mocks soon, I when I get stressed out the best thing for me to do is really to get out of the house and do something else and for example take a walk. So that is what I'm been doing this week. I've taken about two walks this week just trying to think about other things than studying and giving myself a brake. So a complete of about 1 hour of walking.

Planning week 16






Taking a stroll or two.


30min – 2 hours



two quick jogs

It turned into two very short jogs instead of one longer one. I really do not jogging to much and therefore I was out for shorter periods of time. But twice, I get a bit frustrated thought because I exercise a lot during the summer practically biking or longboarding everywhere. Play rounders, badminton, and swim. While in the winter I take the bus and so I really should try to exercise more in the winter. both jogging tour tock about 15 minutes, so a total of 30 min.

Planning week 14










~40 min


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