It is still really fun to play dance central. It is not that I have never disliked dancing it is just that taking dance classes or such would be both expensive and demanded planning. But instead of going to dance class once in a while I can simply just decide to dance for well, however long I want to dance without being stressed or feeling pressured to preform well. Just letting lose for a while to take a brake from studying and improving both in physical endurance as well as in the game.
Reflection school year 2010-2011
After having a year of CAS I feel I'm really starting to understand why CAS exists and is a mandatory part of IB. I would kind of just tell everyone to do it. Everyone needs to exerciser, P.E at school is so very restricted and for many more of a drag. I'm happy to be able to turn my Xbox 360 and being able to exercise using a dance game or longboarding, biking, taking a walk, or twirling. I like being able to decide for myself and still exercise. Creative I've always been and it is really just to carry on as usual except now I think and reflect more about what I do. I think about what I can do to contribute to the world around me just by for example using recycled paper. And when it comes to volunteer work I've become so much more positive and now many of the things I'm really looking forward to is things I will do while receiving service. People are so grateful and the work is almost always fun even if it's simply cleaning. Because you're doing it for someone togethere to a common goal. For example will I be volunteer working at a film-week during October an I've been a excited for a long time. Just meeting the people is a great experience, everyone that does volunteer work seem to be so nice. I feel I'm really started growing as a person since the last school year begun and I feel I still have a lot to look forward to in the school year of 2011-2012.
Creativity: ~ 50h
Action: ~ 30h
Service: ~30h
Planning week 34
Creativity |
Activity |
Service |
Dance central 1-2 hours
Longboarding 1-3 hours |
Twirling and some longboarding
Well, after Magda got back I took up twirling again to finish that short program we were talking about making. We now have an outline and I twirled a lot this week since I feel that I have the goal in sight and since the weather been so nice I have been able to go out and just twirl whenever I've wanted. I've longboarded for an hour or so as well so this week I think I have exercised for at least 3 hours.
Planning week 33
Creativity |
Activity |
Service |
Longboarding 2-4 hours |
Summer longboarding
Back to town and back to longboarding. I really miss longboarding when I am at my parents house. Since we live in the countryside there is not much asphalt to be longboarding on so I rarely even bring it with me. But now I can finally resume my longboarding. I really can not explain why it it so great since I am not making any tricks or anything just cruising. That is the thing, just cruising along the river bank is like an explosion of freedom. Like I could suddenly grow spread wings and fly. I have longboarded around 2-3 hours this week.
Planning week 32
Creativity |
Activity |
Service |
Longboarding 1-3 hours |
Dance central
I just bought Dance central and a kinect for my Xbox 360, which kind of means that I will play a video games which is about dancing. You get sweaty quickly playing this and it is really fun. After a while you just dance one song over and over again just to get all moves right. Which of course I have not yet. But it is really fun and I can not help to love the combination of video games and exercise. I made a video of me dancing to dance central, I know it looks kind of funny but I just wanted to show how it works. The second video was not made by me but it shows how the game looks.
Planning week 31
Creativity |
Activity |
Service |
Play dance central 2-3 hours |