Bass practice - new songs

So a while back a guy who has played bass for quite a while suggested that as a beginner I should try to learn the bass on AC/DC songs since they aren't to hard and good practice. So that is what I'm doing trying to learn “Highway to hell” on bass. As well a previous songs of course.  I practiced for about 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Planning week 13





Bass practice







Bass practice

In the future I will probably have to practice at my own a lot more since Åsa (guitarist) and Franzi (drummer) are both in IB2 and are very busy now. I myself have a lot to do but they are definitely the most stressed. It's a bit sad since band practice always been really fun, especially seeing how we all developed. I practiced about 50 minutes.


Twirling indoor is not the easiest since you're not able to practice throws and at least I am afraid of breaking something swinging the baton around. It still works and the short program me and Magda worked on is finally coming along. I've been practicing for about 1 hour this week.

Planning week 11





Playing bass at home practicing.


~1 hour


Twirlingt practice at home


~1 hour


Super conductivity moves.

Since next week, week 10, is a sports holiday we decided to play one more time on Sunday before everyone left for the holiday. But since the school music room wouldn't be available on a Sunday we decided to meet up at Franzi's place. This was the first time I've ever used my own bass while playing with the band (otherwise I just grab one in the music room. And it was really nice, we're getting better and better and have improved a lot since we begun. Now we have also started on ”come as you are” by Nirvana. It was a bit weird because I knew how to play ”come as you are” but I had the wrong tempo. Well after mimicking Åsa for I while I think I got it, now I'll just practice home for a while and everything will work out. Here is also a video clip from last time, sadly it seems like yet again I can't insert the video in this blog post so just click on the picture to see the video.




Hanging coats again!

Once again me and Antonia were asked to hang coats for a concert at the school. The policy is that is forbidden to have outerwear inside of the concert hall. That is why they need people to hang coats at the wardrobe before a concert. This time there was the NV3 class at out school that had organized a show they called "Rock and roller coaster". As a part of the school we did get to see the performance the day after and did therefore sit in the wardrobe and guard people valuables. The whole thing took about four hours. It was also really great afterward since all the performers ran to the wardrobe to help us hand out all the coats. They were also very grateful for us helping them since they were worried about it before we volunteered to help them out. They did a great job by the way, it was really fun.


Winter Jogging

So me and Magda went out jogging for about 40 minutes or so. Magda is a quite frequent runner at least in my opinion and this was the first time as I came along. I usually find jogging very boring but it was much nicer running alongside someone so one can keep a conversation up at the same time. But all in all I do not think it is something I will end up doing often, there are other ways to exercise even if jogging is one often thought of.

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