Helping the help organization for cats.

This time Magda was busy and couldn't make it so I helped cleaning alone. However since the section me and Magda cleaned last time was the worst I was able to finish one and a half this time. Some cats have even moved in already. They are really cute, to bad it have been a bit cold weather lately. I worked for about 5 hours.


Planning week 22




Finish the amigurumi Cthulhu.


~ 30 min


Helping out at the cat center again.


~ 4-6 hours

Walking of the stress

Once again walking in an attempt to get rid of stress, it works quite well actually, it is very calming and it allows me to take a brake from all the school work and simply enjoy the world outside. I've spend around one and a half hour walking this week.


Blood donation

I've finally donated blood! I've actually wanted to to it for a long time but at least in Sweden you can not give blood until you're 18, and so when I just recently turned 18 I gave a couple of blood samples to see if my blood was good enough to donate. Not to long after I got a letter calling me to donate blood. So today was my first time. It took maybe 2 hours with preparations and all. I also got to know what blood type I have, turns outs it's 0 negative, which is great to donate since it can be received by all blood groups. However can I only receive 0 negative myself... Either way it was fun and it really feels like I've made a difference, someone might actually get a second chance to live partly because of my blood. Also, here in Sweden one receives 30kr when you donate but you can give it to a help organization while there. I decided to donate my 30kr to the Swedish union for blood disease because it made me think of a friend who has a blood disease.


The picture is of the note I got after giving blood together with the dietary supplements  everyone who donated blood get to help recover from the blood loss.


Planning week 21






Taking a walk or two



Donating blood.


2-3 hours

Crocheting a cute little Cthulhu

So my friends birthday is coming up and I'm crocheting a little Cthulhu for her. I really liked making this one since I used some new techniques to make the tentacles. But I also had a really hard time making the wings for this little fellow, actually I haven't yet succeed even thought I've tried close to 7 times. I'm considering not making wings now since well, I seem to not be able to do it... I'm also going to attach arms to the body of Cthulhu. So far i have spent about 2 hours crocheting.


Either way here is a picture of Cthulhu and the little one which I crocheted.

Planning week 20




Crocheting amigurumi Cthulhu.


2-4 hours



Helping a help organization for cats

Since I really haven't done a lot of Service lately I thought it was time to really get to it. So now I've started helping out an old lady who runs a help organization for cats. During the winter winter half-year most of the cats are living with students here and there in Umeå. However during the summer many of them either go home or to travel, and so the cats return to her home. So during the summer the have an enclosure to keep all the cats at, and that is what I'm helping with. Me and Magda spent about 4 and a half hour cleaning the first section of the enclosure and still we didn't have time to clean the floor. Still, I feel really happy doing this since it feels meaningful. I'm actually doing a difference. The old lady was so grateful and almost chocked when I said I would be back to finish the floor and help some more.



Twirling again!

Me and Magda was out twirling for a while. Twirling will be much easier from now on, me and Magda have moved in together and it is no longer winter. Which means that now you can just go outside to twirl for a while when you feel like it. So we twirled for about 1 hour.



Planning week 19




Bass practise.

~ 1 hour.

Twirling or longboarding.

1-2 hours

Helping out at a rescue centre for cats.

~2-6 hours

Helping out at a rescue centre for cats.

~2-6 hours

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