Autumn longboarding!
For the last three weeks it had been getting colder and colder. I really enjoy autumn, but I dislike not being able to longboard nor bike for that matter. I like being able to get where I want, whenever I like without having to worry about contributing to the greenhouse effect. Therefore I had been longboarded like a madman, before the long cold Swedish winter comes. I am not looking forward to the early mornings to catch the bus going to school. If there had not been for the snow I would have biked or longboard all year around. I wish in general that more people would bike more in general, even if you during the winter realize how many that bikes during the summer and then rides the bus in the winter. All of that is great; however, there are still many whom drive to work every day when there is no need. Here in Umeå no matter where you live you can bike to the other side of town easily, there are also many good bicycle lanes and more economical than driving. If you do not work or go to school outside of Umeå there really should be no need to not drive. I do of course understand that not everyone can bike all of the time but if more people did we would not only contribute less to the greenhouse effect but many would probably become healthier from the exercise. But for now I just longboard as much I as possibly can which all in all for about a month has become somewhat 6 hours or so. I even met a hedgehog once! He/she shyly sniffed my longboard and then wobbled away, adorable! I just hope he does not get run over and return to the forest before he gets in trouble.
Move, film festival, Reflection
I have had a real terrific time helping out with the film festival! I have gotten to do a number of things; count tickets and great the visitors welcome, stand in the information disk, hang coats in the wardrobe, turn on and off lights for the movie. It was in general really fun and I feel this experiment has helped me evolve as a person. I made several new friendships with the other volunteers and was able to practice for example problem solving standing in the information disk when a visitor approached me with a question. I also had the change to try out new things and see parts of the “movie” experience which I have never seen before. I have never been in a projector room until now and it was really cool and somewhat really nervous when the person responsible for the projector told me to be responsible for the lights and seeing to that the projector did not brake while she was away. I feel know that I am more secure in my abilities and secure in myself and the way I can approach people. Also every time I do something for my community I feel that I get so much in return, friendships, great experiences, wisdoms and memories. I would definitely volunteer again if they repeat the same project next year.
Monday: 4 hours
Wednesday: 4 hours
Friday: 4 hours
Saturday: 5 hours
Sunday: 3 hours
= 20 hours
Monday: 4 hours
Wednesday: 4 hours
Friday: 4 hours
Saturday: 5 hours
Sunday: 3 hours
= 20 hours
Move, film festival, excitment
I couple of weeks ago I spotted a poster about an upcoming film festival in my local community and I also noticed a small text saying ”seeking volunteers” I contacted the people in charged and well, volunteered! I have now been to three meetings preparing for the festival and helped advertise the festival during Saturday morning. I am really excited this time, being a film lover I am also excited over meeting new people and doing something I really enjoy and helping out at the same time. As a result I will spend a number of afternoons/evenings the upcoming week to help out with various chores for the film festival.
Service: 3 and a half hours.
Service: 3 and a half hours.